So, yeah, I haven’t been around for a while and for that I apologize. Unfortunately, my computer decided of its own accord to bug out and fry all the information on the drive. Compound this with my schooling and I just haven’t had the means or time to get on and blog about recent events, though I am certainly not void of opinion. So here is a quick run down of some things I have been pondering, thinking about and the conclusions or sentiments I have reached concerning them.
Stimulus Package: I hate it and have some intense reservations about it.
A-Rod: A-Tool
Laptop Computer Gliches: They really put things into perspective, mainly how much life sucks without computers.
Pencils: Obsolete for a reason people.
Oscars: Didn't watch them. Don't care. I'm only watching Bollywood movies now.
Sean Penn Winning Best Actor: Real shock to the system there. Ever get the feeling they judge on the "edginess" of the role rather than the performance itself? Just sayin . . .
Boxcar Hopping Hobo’s: Don’t have so much of a problem with them now, because its really going to be all those squatters which get our tax dollars. So I say keep moving hobo, keep moving.
The NYU Protest: I wonder why people don’t get that if you do stupid things while in the process of protesting it only makes you come out looking like a moron and while you may think it increases your chances of being heard, in reality the message becomes a mere footnote. The argument itself becomes not the topic of debate nor becomes subject to judgment, but rather the actions and disposition of those individuals who engage in the protest are the things the public looks upon. Concerning this issue, I posted this at
“I love it when people trespass against rules and order then have the audacity to put on the guise that they are standing up for rights and law. The ends and means need to compliment each other and not contradict, for if they conflict the cause is completely negated and any respect or support you may have from outside of that brethren engaged in the particular conviction is completely nullified. In short, bad form kids. Bad form.”
That’s my half-buttocked update and now with my computer up and running again you can expect more completely worthless piles of commentary very soon.
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