Sunday, August 31, 2008

On Sarah Palin: The Future of The Republican Party?

When Sarah Palin was picked as John McCain’s running mate I was, not only shocked, but also delighted by his surprise nomination. Not just because of the increased historical significance of this current election and what she brings to it, but of who this women is and how she conducted herself within the national spotlight when she appeared at the podium in Daton, Ohio. She seemed extremely civil and articulate, yet she communicated in way where she didn’t sound like a politician and that is truly what I liked most about her.

The Democrats were quick to attack her on her lack of experience, which Obama himself refuted right away; smartly I may add. Obama has been attacked for not being experienced enough and I believe he knows that if engages in this argument, then it only serves to emphasize himself and he will be held at the same standard he is applying to Palin. He thereby might be considered hypocritical and this would not reflect well upon his candidacy. Truth be told, it is really the liberal media that has been more critical of Sarah Palin than even the Obama campaign, excluding of course the campaigns initial statement. The media sites her limited experience in an only local government and a lack of experience in matters of foreign affairs. These people have obviously never spent any significant amount of time in Alaska.

I come from a long line of commercial fisherman (Long line? Get it? It’s a commercial fishing joke! Hilarious!) and have spent many seasons in the land of the midnight sun. When talking about industry, Alaska, which Palin is governor over, has vast amounts of international import and export. The commercial fishing industry itself is so massive that Alaska’s Dutch Harbor is the biggest fishing port in the world today. Through it and other various Alaskan ports, Alaskan caught seafood travels to all corners of the globe. In addition, Vadez sits at one end of the 800 mile long Trans Alaska Pipeline, one of the largest in the world, continually loading millions of gallons of oil onto outgoing international vessels.

Within all the domestic and international commerce, there is bound to be some tension on the international level and this is certainly the case with Alaska. Tensions between Alaksa, Russia and Canada are ongoing over the argument concerning the interception of pacific salmon in the region. It is true that this is not like dealing with countries such as Iran or Iraq, but a reasonable argument can be made concerning these issues that Sarah Palin has more foreign affairs experience than Obama does.

I believe, at least at this point, that this will become a non-issue, negated by the lack of experience by Barack Obama. Now, his lack of experience has never really been an issue with me when weighing the candidates, because I really am looking to have someone new in the White House. With this so-called experience that people are looking for, happens to come more corruption and a disconnection with the American people. I am not saying that Biden or McCain with their experience are corrupt and disconnected per say, for it would be unfair for me to make such an absolute judgment. However, I believe this to be the trend in government, and believe we do need “one of our own” to step in, so that the common man can be represented within the highest forms of government. Truth is, nowadays there are only representatives for the Democratic and Republican parties, not the people and its about time new blood comes to Washington.

To offer you a really stupid analogy, I recall getting some subs put in the back of my old Chevy Blazer (Gasp! Please don’t send me letters Greenpeace, I now know the error of my gas guzzling ways.). I was getting two put in the far back of the vehicle and told the stereo technician exactly where I wanted them placed. He informed me, because they were facing each other directly, with the same output, the noise emitting from each sub would be negated, not producing the high quality sound I was looking for on either side. This is going to be the case with the experience argument and instead this election will now focus on what it should; things like policy and individual merit, which thus far I feel it has lacked. So I welcome Sarah Palin to the Republican ticket, and for me at least, she has made the Republican ticket that much more intriguing.

Before I leave and take my weekly shower, I would like to say how shallow it is that the Democrats and media think that she was chosen just to pick up the Hillary vote. I find this idea to be, for lack of better words and a thesaurus, completely stupid and it has effected my view of the Democratic party and the media in general, because they seem to be engaged in a sort of panic mode, fishing for anything to discredit McCain and Palin. This might be an unfair globalization and this probably will not factor into my decision on whom I vote for, but I certainly think the argument is completely ridiculous. First, by her merits it is easily discernable that McCain would like her, Palin being so similar in personality, bi-partisanship and policy; though they do differ on some issues. Second, everything she has accomplished as an executive leader is completely ignored, as is the fact that she is the most popular governor in the country with approval ratings in excess of 80 percent within a state that is packed full of partisan, industrial, commercial and ethnic affairs. This is no small task even within the relatively small population of Alaska. Her merits as a reformer and her attacks against corruption in government, even amongst her own party, are well noted. Though it should be added that she is currently under investigation herself, but in an effort spearheaded by Democrats and some of those she booted out of power, which makes it suspicious. The charges are not even holding up against the intense media scrutiny that has begun to surround her.

This was a great decision on McCain’s part and a win, win, win one to boot. Maybe not in the general election, that remains to be seen, but in the context of what Palin does for the ticket. It will strengthen the base and energize those within the party. It will counter Obama’s historic run for the Presidency and perhaps pick up some of the women vote and blue-collar workers. When hearing these things discussed within the media, I have heard phrases like, “This is a political ploy,” or, “McCain just did this in response to Obama and to appeal to voters.” Are you serious? Of course! Is this really what are elected officials and those “educated” people within the media are saying? Welcome to Democracy moron. This is how the political system works, you respond to your opponent and try to attract voters and if your not supposed to, well you can just throw out the United States of American’s political system completely, including both McCain and Obama.

Above all else, where this succeeded was giving people, who might not as well have voted for the Republican party and undecided voters, a reason to look at the ticket and reflect on it. Even if it was for three seconds and people respond with, “I don’t think so,” it is still a success. Furthermore, I don’t think McCain will lose many votes with his choice, instead he will excite those with conservative political viewpoints, who maybe didn’t have a fire under their butt, to go and vote Republican. This was a perfect choice and I am excited for the Debates. The low expectations of Palin can be used to the Republicans advantage and she may end up surprising a lot of people in the end. Indeed, one politician in Alaska, whose name I didn’t catch, has said, “Obama and Biden have no idea what they just got themselves into.” With her nickname being “Sarah Barracuda,” this race could get very interesting indeed.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

On Brandon's Letter to MSNBC

Just to share with you all I am kind of stuck between Obama and McCain at the moment and like to bounce between news channels to get the most coverage out of all sides of the political spectrum that I can. While watching MSNBC’s coverage of John McCain’s VP pick of Sarah Palin I saw a headline on the ticker underneath that read, “How many houses does Palin add to the Republican ticket?" This was so horribly bias and appauling to me that I decided to write a letter. Please understand I would have much rather been drinking or something, but I felt pretty passionately about it. I have posted the letter here to not only express my thoughts, but for your consideration. Is MSNBC going to read it? Doubt it, but I feel better.


First off, I would like to apologize to whosever job it is to read this e-mail. Please know that this e-mail is addressed to the channel and not to you personally. I don't know you, but I am sure your very nice so please bear with me. I was watching your news coverage today of McCain's VP pick of Sarah Palin and saw that under the breaking news headline, "How many houses does Palin add to the Republican ticket?" Now I am an on the fence voter, stuck firmly between Obama and McCain; probably till election day, when I will judge the two accordingly before I pull the lever. I was horribly disappointed that a "professional" news network would put something like that under breaking news. It was such a completely disgusting bias slam the likes of which I have never seen. In fact, I don't recall anything even remotely close to that. Indeed, within local, national, cable, international, CNN, FOX News, SKY, BBC, Headline News, Newspapers, Magazines and radio, I have never witnessed or heard of a display so unprofessional before in pop media.

Prior to this election I defended MSNBC against criticism for being too bias, but after this election coverage, no more. In debate or conversation from here on out I will supply ample evidence to why your channel, or any NBC affiliate should not be watched for the news, even on the local level. You may say I am just one insignificant guy and it really doesn't matter, well let me assure you that if I am thinking it, trust me, a lot of others are as well. I have tried to give NBC the benefit of the doubt because I like to hear all sides of the issues so that I may make an educated decision on my own, however your channels will be a source of "information" no longer because it is clear you don't represent both sides, and when you do you are so condescending you don't leave it up to your viewers to make their own decisions. Its shameless.

CNN and FOX will now be my sources for news. Even the shows I used to enjoy like Morning Joe I will not watch anymore because I cannot trust NBC to give good, fair, complete coverage. You owe your viewers, Palin, McCain and even the Obama campaign an apology because it even reflects on them; you obviously leaning democratic. If the Obama campaign acts as you do, which I have not perceived as of yet, but if they do, its a sure bet for McCain, but I don't think I will have to worry about that because even Obama, McCains true political rival, is 100 fold more civil than NBC is. Now I am a high school drop out, got my GED and work a low paying job, so when I see such blatant bias unprofessional news coverage, if you can call it news, you know it is truly pathetic and I can't believe this would slip by so many "educated" people and it would be supported. You have a responsibility if you call yourself a news channel to present the facts in a way that people can make up their own minds, but you fail and cease to do so willingly and that is disgusting. Yeah, go ahead and keep on attacking CNN and FOX News, but they are more professional than any NBC channel will ever be. How can I be so sure that every channel your affiliated with represents the news in such a way? I know because, not only have I seen certain shows on your network where this is clearly manifest, but also because of the Palin "headline," I cannot trust any information you provide and I will be sure to share that with anyone I have a discussion about news with.

Again I apologize to the reader of this e-mail and I truly hope YOU have a good day and I apologize for my rant. As for your bosses, they have lost a viewer for good unless they offer a station wide apology. You and me both know that is not going to happen.


Brandon J. Myhre

Seattle, Washington

Friday, August 29, 2008

On David Duchovny: I Want To Behave

Well, it appears poor Mr. David Duchovny, Aka Fox Mulder, Aka Hank Moody, has admitted himself into treatment for a sex addiction and he isn't the first star to do so. No, its a path already well worn by Michael Douglas, so as Douglas we can expect David Duchovny to make plenty of mediocre thrillers for years come. Is it really any wonder though that David, of which I have to say I am a fan in case David ever reads this, is a sex addict? Look at the roles he has played in the past such as Jake Winters in Red Shoe Diaries, or Fox Mulder who was hinted at to have a porn addiction, and finally Hank Moody in "Californication."

This is obviously an example of life imitating art, but I can't help thinking that if I was married to Tea Leoni I would have a sex addiction too. Sorry, that was bad, but you had to see it coming. Anyhoo, I suspect David was caught indulging in infidelity and to save his marriage went into sex addiction rehab. I mean in the mad way of course... They are currently asking the media for privacy, but yeah, like their going to get that from the media. Not a chance. If I was David, and I so wish I was, to save himself some embarrassment I would have said I was doing research for an upcoming epsiode of "Californication." I had no idea there was a sex addict rehab, but I guess it makes sense. Its not any weirder than the video game rehab located in the Netherlands.

Sex addiction hasn't been recognized officially by mental health experts, but "nymphomania" still has a classification and is treated much like other addictions or mental disorders. The problem experts are having is to what degree ones sex drive has to reach to be considered a medical disorder. Within treatment, there are group meetings, the fully clothed kind, and medication is even supplied at times. I wonder if they have a kind that when you touch yourself you vomit? If not the idea is genius thank you very much and something I could defiantly utilize within my own life. Anti-depressants are the most common subscribed medication though due to their tendency to decrease ones sex drive.

Like I said earlier though, I am a fan of David Duchovny and despite my joking wish him the best and ask that if he has any extra booty lying around to send it my direction. My addictive personality would be greatful. Thank you for reading, but before I sign off I will leave you with a clip that seems to be very prophetic. Enjoy! (not too much)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

On The Worst Music Videos

Here is a quick compilation of some of the worst music video's I have ever seen. Enjoy.

Gunther and The Sunshine Girls: Ding Dong Song (Make sure the kids are in bed when you play this I wouldn't want to be responsible for corrupting the minds of our youth)

Michael McDonald: I Keep Forgetting (The woman at the end is slammin!)

Swedish Music Video, who I believe to be a rather large inspiration for the Cardigans.

Leonard Nimoy: Ballad of Bilbo Baggins

Rick Astley: Never Gonna Give You Up (Packed full of sunglasses and denim)


I feel that one must give credit where credit is due, and with the third day of the Democratic National Convention, the Democrats do deserve a little. This was by far their most appealing day, and they nailed it with speeches from former President Bill Clinton and Obama's VP choice Joseph Biden. These two speeches were the definite highlight of the DNC thus far and in terms of political bounce, may even surpass Obama's speech at Invesco Stadium. I tuned into the festivities at the beginning of day three, and really tuned out for most of it till the highly anticipated moment when Clinton and Biden would step before the podium. However, there was one odd thing I would like to address concerning coverage of the convention.

The news channel's paused for the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner at the start of day three, which is highly respectable. CNN and Fox News both stopped there coverage as the men and women of the Democratic National Convention gave honor to the country that they represent. Sadly, MSNBC opted to focus on Keith Olbermann instead of the pledge and National Anthem because what he had to say obviously couldn’t wait. Though to be fair what was occurring on the floor was still visible through a small window located at the left of the screen. Maybe it is me, but I found this to be pretty distasteful, if not completely disrespectful. Thing is, I used to watch MSNBC a lot, because I felt they gave pretty fair news coverage. However, it has deteriorated considerably and what I once considered to be one of my favorite news journalists, Chris Matthews, has really shown how biased he really is during their "Decision 2008" coverage. Matthews and Olbermann even go so far as to attack Democratic strategists and the like for appearing on Fox News. Now, in my eyes, MSNBC’s journalistic integrity is nil. Perhaps they are nice guys off the TV, I don’t know, but how they have been conducting the news over at MSNBC is just deplorable.

The DNC, as well as the upcoming RNC, are set up to be so spectacular and elaborate, that it will give the Super Bowl a run for its money. In fact, I am surprised they are not calling the current ongoing convention, "DNC MMVIII." The purpose for this is to build up ones emotion by appealing to the senses through various forms of visual and audio stimuli. We see this plot a lot within the arts, in things like concerts, movies, and plays. Obviously, it isn’t just confined to a creative aesthetic expression anymore, but rather to serve a purpose and it certainly does now within spectator sports and in the political arena. Those who have organized the DNC and RNC know this and it has become the core of the conventions because they realize that it is more beneficial to initiate an emotional response from the delegates and viewing audience, rather than to focus on, or provoke, any serious reflection, thought or juxtaposition of the candidates and the key issues. Certainly, we can look forward to seeing this ploy utilized later when Barack Obama takes the stage at Invesco.

Center stage on the evening of the third day of DNC, however, belonged to Bill Clinton and Joseph Biden. As Bill took the stage and the cameras cut to Michelle Obama, I couldn't help but think that she looked a little nervous and awfully perturbed. Knowing what I know now, considering the Oscar worthy performance, I would have told Mrs. Obama to relax; that Clinton knows what he is doing and can lie with the best of them. Though, that really depends on your definition of what "lie" is. Cheap shot, yes I know, but it had to be done. I feel that Bill did a much better job on his speech than Hillary did at hers, but just like Hillary, I don't think Bill was really sincere. Not so much because of what he said last night, but because of what he HAS said in the past and his actions tomorrow; high tailing it out of Denver. This pretty much sums up Bill's feelings towards Obama, which are further confirmed in my mind by Michelle Obama's reaction to Clinton. Bill had no choice, he needed to do it for the good of the Democratic party, to protect his legacy, and for the good of his wife’s future political career. I believe he was successful concerning the speeches powerful delivery and what it was he had to accomplish. Republicans are going to have to try and counter the momentum with McCain's VP choice and the RNC.

I may think Clinton gave a great speech, but I by no means agree with some of his points. He claims that the current administration is advocating an "assault on science," which I feel to be completely absurd. This claim is really only based on three things. One, of course, is that by pushing for more oil drilling they are hindering the expansion of different forms of energy, yet they leave out that this current administration has spent more money on developing alternative energy than any other administration. Second, decreased funding for space exploration. Enough said. Third, stem cell research. Yet science, which Bush is assaulting, is still advancing and has just discovered they may be able to gather stem cells from adults rather than embryo's. It is amazing that they were able to make that discovery while the science “war” rages. Surely, the scientists must be extremely dedicated.

He stated that our unilateralism has damaged our relationships abroad. I believe this statement to be an unfair generalization of what has really occurred in the world during the Bush administration. I do not believe that leadership should be based on intimidation, yet diplomacy seems to be a form of timidity in times of danger. I believe, for the most part, that we can classify Clinton's administration for being too timid, for when they should have rose up against the enemies who were attacking our citizens on our soil and fought against those detonating bombs among our military and embassies overseas. We only went into Iraq when the UN dropped the ball and I feel at the time it was a reasonable call to make. Were there mistakes? Hell yes! Not everything that happened concerning Iraq went according to plan, but it is easy to criticize, when we the public can easily change our minds on issues and don't have a country under us to defend. Theodore Roosevelt provided one of my favorite quotes in a speech given April 23, 1910:

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

A couple other points he made were on AIDS and the military. Clinton told the delegates, and Chevy Chase who was in attendance, that Obama would continue the battle against HIV and AIDS at home and across the world. An effort attributed to Bush that started in 2005 with the passing of a 2.9 Billion dollar program to fight the disease. Secondly, Clinton said that Obama would strengthen our military, yet I don't really know how that is possible since Obama himself stated that he would “slow our development of future combat systems.” Finally, Clinton told the audience that Obama was ready to lead and that under him America would develop back into what it was during the Clinton administration. It was such a great speech with such great hype, that despite all the disagreements I have with Clinton and what he said, I almost wanted forget about the issues when it comes to the individuals of Barack Obama and John McCain.

Finally, it was Biden's turn and he himself provided a great speech, which played off the momentum of Clinton and it too was near perfect in its delivery. However, I found it was packed full of political messages and attacks that made no sense to me. That is not to say he didn't raise some good points. I think he did and he made a much better case against McCain than anyone else has, but there are a number things I also had issue with. Biden started out by introducing his mother, which was sweet, and told the crowd that he was raised under the principle that one was defined by honor, redeemed by loyalty and that bravery lives in every heart. She sounds like a great woman and its too bad that she isn't running considering how her son has manifest these principles in his own life, not only in his relationship with John McCain, but also lying on documents and plagiarizing other political speeches, which Barack Obama himself did when he asked America if they were better off since Bush. This is an almost verbatim rip-off of President Reagan, who posed one of the most provocative questions in American political history, when in 1980 he asked the American public in a debate with Jimmy Carter, "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" This one question cost Jimmy Carter his second term.

I do not like it when Politicians contradict themselves. Biden stated that his mother taught him that anyone can make it if you just try hard enough and that this was the American dream. Yet, this is not the kind of message we hear from the Democratic party. Rather, Biden during the remainder of his speech, and in fact the whole party in general, seem to push the idea that opportunity is rare in this country and I just don't see the evidence for that. I do see evidence though that this country offers more opportunity than any other place on the face of the globe. Biden continued saying that Obama moved to Chicago after turning down a job on Wall Street, seemingly based on his concern for others. This has been stated several times in promoting the Obama cause, yet I still have not found out exactly what job he supposedly turned down. I am sure that Obama helped a lot of people in Chicago, I am not refuting that, but to suggest that he didn't take his own political and professional career into account when making the move makes absolutely no sense. Furthermore, with the picture they are painting, I don't know why I would want to vote for someone who makes rash decisions despite loads of data suggesting you should do otherwise. That doesn't sound appealing to me in the context of a President.

America is less secure and more isolated than EVER before, Biden said. He forgets little details and things like…, oh the American Revolution for instance. Also, the statement, for some reason, doesn’t take into account that we have not been attacked again since 9/11. I consider that a sign that we are very secure, but that’s just me. While listening to the DNC speeches, it becomes clear that Democrats are the anti-war party, and really who wouldn't want to be anti- war? Well, it seems they are anti-war except when it comes to Russia, then all the anti-war and diplomacy talk on the democratic side begins to break down. Then Biden attacks Bush saying that he is not doing enough and needs to take a stand against Russia, because diplomatic channels aren’t apparently enough.

Dah! Russia is not a country you rush into war with. Are you nuts? Yes, hold them accountable, but don't say we haven't done anything, when your candidate won't even interrupt his golf game to go on TV to condemn Russia. Instead, its McCain who was on the TV that very morning condemning the invasion of Georgia. They say that we need diplomacy in the world with our enemies, yet make an exception with Russia. Why? Well, obviously because Bush is moving along those channels and it all of a sudden becomes very wrong. I know amongst all these different nations there are separate issues and variables when it comes to foreign relations, but it seems like complete lunacy that when Bush is practicing something they clearly advocate and push in an almost absolute context, they reverse their opinion and somehow make a distinction between the cited situation and their innate policy. This is a complete political spin designed to make one party look bad, the other good and nothing more. There is no consistency in their thinking and that’s what I have an issue with. The only variables that seem to determine if something is good or bad is if it is beneficial for their party and if the opposite party is engaging in it. This goes with the Republicans too. This is crap and there has to be a smarter way to practice politics!

Another thing Biden cited was how the Bush administration has shifted its plan to Barack Obama's concerning negotiations with Iran. What they fail to mention is the variable of preconditions, which makes the two examples diametrically different. We as the United States of America need to portray an image of authority if we really want to influence countries like Iran. How are we supposed to do that if we cower to any conditions an opposing violent country such as Iran puts forth. In the eyes of their own government, media and people, by propaganda, they will see America as weak, which will be a large boost to their cause, and diminish the effect and influence of ours. It is irresponsible to give countries like Iran undeserved credit and assume that they will act peacefully and receive us in a civil manner. It is not going to happen.

Lastly, Biden spoke concerning the war in Iraq, that the Bush administration has again shifted its plan to Barack Obama's. This comes down to conditions too. Again, the two policies are completely different from each other. The Obama plan has a flat, concrete timeline that ignores any conditions on the ground, while the Bush plan calls for a conditions based withdraw. That is a HUGE difference. To me the question that comes to mind when hearing this is if they are really that stupid that they don't know these things or if they are omitting these details from the American people to accomplish their own goals. Either way its horrible, but I think the latter is correct. On a positive note though; at least with either plan the troops get closer and closer to coming home.

Anyways, Biden did raise a couple arguments against McCain that I agree with. One of those is taxes. Coming from a family that owns a small business and is in the highest tax bracket, where just about 40% of our income goes back into the pockets of the federal government; I really have to wonder why families in similar situations, for our family knows of quite a few, aren't getting any help concerning taxs. The McCain tax plan seems to create a rather large paradox by saying larger companies getting tax cuts will provide more jobs. Maybe that’s true, but what about the small businesses that, with tax cuts, could grow and provide more jobs to more people. Instead, it seems the high tax bracket for small business makes it difficult for a business to expand and provide jobs. I don't want success to be punished, but I don't want productivity to be hindered either.

What must the Republicans do on Monday in St. Paul? Well, the DNC has thus far been very scarce in pushing the merits of Barack Obama. Instead, all the vast majority of positive Obama messages is spoken in generalities. The Republicans, to sway voters, need to make sure that they do the exact opposite. McCain, because he can’t win on charisma, must express to the American people the specific merits of a McCain presidency on individual issues and juxtapose them with the stance the other camp subscribes to. I am sick of hearing all this bashing all the time, so if he keeps it short and sweet and about him, then I think it would go a long way. Everyone has already heard the arguments from both sides on why shouldn’t I vote for someone, but now the other side of the spectrum needs to be addressed; why should I vote for you?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

On Hillary Clinton's DNC Speech

With all the conflict occurring within the ranks of the Democratic party, I just needed to watch Clinton's speech. I was enormously curious on how exactly she would pull off what was expected of her; to bring the party into complete unity. I must admit though, after some of the things she has been saying recently and the whole sniper fire deal, I was more interested in, not only hearing her speak on Obama, but also trying to read her sincerity. Alright, that’s really the only reason I was going to watch the speech, but hey, due to my lack of a social life I have been watching a lot of politics lately, and after yesterday not really grabbing me I was a little sluggish to tune in to the DNC this afternoon, so back off.

I have to say though I was very impressed with her speech. It was a great speech, unless you take into account what people were expecting of her and what she was supposed to accomplish. Obama's name was only mentioned ten times and at extremely brief intervals during the speech and she seemed to be more focused upon herself and the Democratic party as a whole than the Illinois senator. The phrase, "I ran for president to...," happened to appear at least a couple times, which was immediately followed up with a list of what she would have accomplished in office. She did bring up Bush several times though, reminding the convention of all the things he has done wrong, you know; just in case they forgot. She continued to say that over the last eight years that the American people have been “invisible” to the government. It should be worth noting, if we were invisible for 8 years, congress has been ran by the democrats several of those years. Therefore, if you take that statement as truth than the Democrats are partially responsible for that. Indeed, according to congress’s approval ratings, Americans do think that the Democrats are part of the problem. What really shocked me though, about her speech, was when she was speaking about the war. She said that if the Democratic party got into office, they would bring the troops home with responsibly and with honor. This seems to contradict Obama's plan, and support a conditions based plan that even McCain and Bush could endorse.

Even her attacks on McCain were weak. She only really brought up John McCain when referring to our current President, and how McCain would be another four more year term for Bush politics. She instead, for the most part, said a lot of specific positive things about McCain, but not Barack Obama. McCain, she said, was a friend of hers and that she respected him and what he had done while serving his country. Yet she added that we don't need four more years of a republican in the White House. I feel her speech seemed more centered around getting the Republicans out and not so much getting Obama in. Even when she urged people to think of their children and vote for Obama, she was equating it more on a negative attack on the republicans and not a positive push for Obama. They may seem like one in the same, but to Hillary they are not. I feel there is a clear distinction between the two. If she came out declaring, "Obama is ready to lead because...," than I may have been convinced. Yet, as shown in McCain’s ads, she was saying the exact opposite during her campaign, so it would have been reasonable to assume that she would have refuted herself during her speech, if what was said in the primaries was merely a political ploy; especially if McCain is circulating an ad around showing her saying it. Biden did it and she should have as well, but refrained from defending Obama concerning the attacks by his opponents and critics. The media defends Obama more effectively on a daily basis than she did in her speech. I don't think it was because it was a crappy speech. Simply, she still isn’t 100% behind Obama.

Furthermore, we know she has a lot of backing amongst women voters, and she brought up women’s suffrage a lot, really emphasizing that women’s votes need to count. It could be a history thing, it being the 88th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment, or there could be something more to it. In the context of what she has said in the past and her speech at the DNC as a whole, I would say that it is a safe bet to assume that there may be something more behind the statements other than just a shout out to Susan B. Anthony.

Another thing I am curious about is the one charge against McCain she did make. She stated that McCain supported women making less money than men. I don't recall McCain saying anything like that and have been looking on Google for a quote or a piece of legislation that McCain may have passed encouraging this. I was unsuccessful, though just because I couldn't find it, doesn't mean she is lying, but it will keep her followers in the Democratic camp. They won’t question her statement, so I am a little suspicious of this charge. Overall, I enjoyed the speech, but I am pretty sure if I was in Obama's shoes I would be feeling something completely different.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

On The Lost Art of Protest

The other night I am causally watching the DNC, doing my usual cable news channel rotation to, not only get a full spectrum of the media interpretation, but also to avoid the commercials as much as humanly possible. I turn it to Fox News and I witness a group of protesters known idiotically as, "Remake ‘68," about to rough up the Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins. It really makes evident what a sad state the art of protesting really is in. Sure, there have always been blunders, such as Chicago ’68, the incident “Remake ‘68” is named from, but as time moves forward on its endless march, protesting seems to be getting worse and worse. Much like the band Chicago.

I think an obscure, unknown Brit named Matthew Knowles from the Society of British Aerospace Companies put it best, when after a recent British protest he said, "These stunts are becoming tiresome and do nothing more than peddle inaccurate propaganda." I will not go so far as apply this statement as an absolute concerning protesters, but I will concede that it certainly does feel this way. Truly, protests seem to have lost any ability they might have had to inspire and move people, not only because of more powerful abundant forms of media, but more so due to the actions of some the protesters. Too often their goal is to express themselves, not in a peaceful protest, but with strife between themselves and those they oppose. Further popular targets include, anyone who challenges their views, media, bystanders, and their choice of venue and its inhabitants. Their reasoning is that by causing a ruckus they can bring further attention to their cause. However, all such protests only succeed in taking the focus off their message, to some degree discrediting it and those who follow it, and even reflecting poorly on protesting in general.

This was certainly the case with the far-left “Remake ‘68” protest, which got out of control when a Fox News camera showed up. A lot of swearing, shoving and pushing ensued and I am glad that nobody was hurt in the fiasco. I believe a frequent use of profanity and violence, such as the kind “Remake ‘68” engaged in, can denote a lack of intelligence and certainly, with those people I believe this truly was the case. “Remake ‘68” would have rivaled Nazi Germany with their civility. If they can't handle people with differing viewpoints, I suggest they leave the country and go somewhere where it is moderated by a dictatorship form of government. These people, by the way they have acted, heavily defecated on their own cause and if there were any peaceful protesters there, then their time was completely wasted by the actions of the pathetic mob.

Why is it that the anti-war groups who protest violence often resort to it when confronted by a conflicting viewpoint? Isn't this the exact antithesis of what they claim to be proponents of? “Remake ‘68” obviously was promoting an anti-war ideal, but yet came prepared for violence, naming themselves after the protest that turned violent in ‘68, and wearing masks to hide their identity. The message, the masks, and the name of the protest itself, lead me to conclude that peaceful protesters were few in number, if there were any at all.

People today are prone to picking and choosing the freedoms that should be available to each individual. The range of the rights you receive, in the eyes of others, varies depending on your values. They only want people to have the freedom that is convenient to them or lines up in relation to their own beliefs. You can't pick and choose with things like freedom. It has to be all encompassing, and an innate right of every person whether you agree with them or not on political or social issues. This is the concept that is behind our nation and our system of government; to protect the rights of each individual. What gets me is how out of touch some of these protesters are. They are often ignorant or misinformed on how the political and social world works, often promoting ideas that may sound good, but only in concept and would never be successful in a real world application.

We see insane protests all over the political spectrum. For instance, the far-right religious loons who go out and protest at soldiers funerals citing God's punishment and causing unneeded grief and pain for the mourning friends and family. The far-left whack jobs that promote things like violence, anarchy and rioting causing unnecessary trouble for the police and local government, while the whole time they talk of freedom and an anti-war agenda. These instances give protesting a bad name and a reputation that drains respect from anyone who protests peacefully. I have no problem with people who want to speak their mind and organize a protest, but your actions must be consistent with your message, done with respect and without infringing on anyone else’s rights. If these things occur then you lose my respect, the respect of many others and forfeit your cause.

Finally, to close; all the Fox News bashing is getting extremely cliche and really damn old. I can't even look up porn anymore, or hilarious videos of animals getting hurt without someone on the comment page turning it around and using it as an excuse to say FU to Fox News. Truth is, Fox News does something every other news and TV station does: caters to a demographic. It is how media works. If you don't like it; don't watch it. Easy. You don't see me bitching about Lifetime, because I got my Will and Grace fill years ago and I don't have to tune in. I seriously doubt that people who complain about Fox have ever even really watched it, and they are probably just feeding off other people who have the same political views as them and they just can't stand the fact that other viewpoints are being represented within the media. My thoughts on this are usually confirmed when people are confronted about why they hate Fox News. They can never really cite any specific examples. Yeah, Yeah, Fox News sucks, okay I got it, now shut up and get back on your X-Box emo boy!

On The Worst Ads Vol. #659

The world is full of horrible advertisements and I have took it upon myself to enlighten the public to these atrocities. Here are truly a few of the worst. Featuring a couple from MTV...surprise, surprise...

I find it horrible when there is an ad that is trying to profit by the WTC disaster. Here are a couple examples.

Finally, from a Pakistani Airline:

On a lighter note, nothing goes together better than blind boxing and chicken.


Im done commenting on every one...takes too much time...