Due recent in depth studies by the federal government, it has come to my attention that my readers are the most brilliant, good looking people in the world (keep reading and recommend to your friends!) and of this fact I am truly convinced. Therefore, it probably has not escaped your attention that I have been rather critical of MSNBC within my past blogish musings. Well, today I actually have something positive to say about the almost obtrusively bias cable network.
Honestly, the possibility that I would live to see the day where MSNBC would exercise sound judgment in upholding some kind of journalistic integrity has never even occurred to me. Indeed, I suspected the lost city of Atlantis would arise from the ocean depths before such an event would ever occur; her unstoppable robot armies marching across the surface of the globe, conquering every nation in her path.
Over the weekend it was announced that Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann would be stepping down as anchors from the election coverage and go back behind the commentary desk where they belong. As much as I hate to admit it, due to my disagreements with the men, they do have a right to express their views, but I believe an anchor position requires a tact and professionalism which lies beyond what Matthews and Olbermann were willing to provide to their audience. The need for quality reporting is especially true when one is covering such an important event like a political convention or election.
Even amongst channels like CNN and Fox News, there are traits of political bias. However, there are a couple important differences between MSNBC, CNN and Fox News. The latter two keeps editorial commentators separate from anchor roles and provide ample guests and dialog along both sides of the aisle. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for MSNBC. Often, only the Democratic viewpoints are represented and vital information concerning the issues is frequently omitted.
I, of course, have been complaining endlessly within my blog, e-mails to MSNBC and the Huffington Post (Who, by the way, felt my comments weren’t worth posting; probably because I wasn’t defecating on right wing ideology.) and apparently many others were as well, including those who actually work for NBC and MSNBC. The network finally took a couple steps to improve their election programming, but because there continually seems to be this innate underlying motif of misinformation, I still find them unbearable to watch. I will commend them though for removing Matthews and Olbermann from the anchor position. It’s a step in the right direction. The most amazing thing about this situation is that it gives a little confirmation to some of my past blog articles. So, perhaps my blog isn’t complete BS after all, though I do concede certainly most of it is. I don’t know whether to be encouraged by this or scared. Very scared.
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