Now without further ado; Judgmental Cat, what are your views on…
...Two Girls and a Cup?
…Chevy Chase’s ground breaking, thought provoking, political opinions?
...Hot Pockets?
...Getting down to your last pinch of catnip and your nip dealer not returning any of your calls?
...When your checking out hot girls at the mall and they are picked up by their parents?
...Being picked up by the cops after the hot girl is picked up by her parents?
…The ShamWow! Guy?
...The fact that Delta Burke used to be a celebrity?
...The douche?
...The Bailout Bill?
...Michael Vick actually getting in trouble for freeing the world of a few dogs?
...Japanese anime tentacle rape?
...Gossip Girl being a hit?
...Some countries considering mice to be sacred?
...Government destroying a free market and now going after a free press?
...My sweet ass?
...Wrapping cat feces in Tootsie Roll wrappers, hanging them from a "Candy Tree" and telling the little gagging boys and green girls that the candy isn't ripe yet after they eat the "treats."
Yes, indeed Judgmental Cat. Indeed...
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