Tuesday, October 21, 2008

On Two "Average" Joe's, a Leno and a Patriot

Last thursday, I opted to watch Biden on Leno rather than McCain on Letterman for a couple reasons. First, I felt pretty sure about what McCain was going to say already, just as I was sure about the attacks he was going to get from Letterman. I was positive that McCain's responses would be pretty good, with no real huge sound bytes coming out of the appearance, other than what the crew at MSNBC decided to twist around. Also, Letterman, who I used to enjoy watching, tends to aggravate me because of his constant, shrewd, condescending bias towards anyone not sharing his particular beliefs and it was an added element that drove me to tune into Leno's show instead. (Note the irony when I say that, for this is the most condescending, shrewd entry I have ever written. In my defense though, I don't run a talk show to begin with and have no patience concerning media and elected officials in government going after a single citizen because he dared ask a question. Your damn right I'm going to be shrewd!)

Despite his monologues that tend to make fun of the right exceedingly more than the left, I have always considered Leno to be pretty fair, for after all, it is a comedy show and I think it is appropriate to cut him a little slack concerning some of the content because, truthfully, you have to admit, it is pretty funny. Furthermore, I was sure Biden would do what he always does and make one of those famous "Bidenisms" that he is so well known for. So all and all, Leno seemed like the logical choice between NBC and CBS in terms of possible entertainment value. Biden certainly didn't disappoint, but Jay Leno sure as hell did.

Leno himself initiates a rather moronic conversation with Biden when he says, "Joe the Plumber. I don’t know. It seems awfully convenient, I mean I am a little suspicious, but that’s just me. You know, worried about taxes, does it seem real?" Thinking back, I can't really remember anyone I have respected so much as Jay Leno saying something so completely stupid. I was appalled at this comment, and thought that perhaps Biden wouldn't be the highlight of the evening after all, but then Biden quickly added, "Don’t have many of those plumbers in my neighborhood. Well, let me put it this way… I don’t know many plumbers that make $250,000 dollars a year worried about it. We’re kind of worried about Joe the Fireman, Joe the Policeman, Joe the real plumber with a license."

Please, someone tell me that both these educated men didn't say the things I just think they said! I don't even know where to begin to respond to the stupidity muddled comments these guys just spewed forth from their mouths, but I guess I will have to take it one step at a time. Let us focus first on Jay Leno's absurd moronic belch. Leno, brings up Joe the Plumber, whose real name is Samuel Joseph (Joe) Wurzelbacher, and adds, "I don't know." What is it exactly that Mr. Leno finds so hard to grasp about this "Joe" the Plumber guy? That he goes by his middle name? So what, I have known several people who prefer to be called by their middle names; that is hardly an issue to the voters. Is it the fact that Joe owes $1200 dollars in back taxes? Yeah, wow, thats a real rarity there. What a hazard to the United States Economy! Maybe its the fact that Joe lacks the plumbers license that would give him the ability to work within Toledo city limits, even though he still has the right to work in rural areas of the state.(Though, in all honesty I do find this odd, for most states have differences in whether contractors need to be licensed, bonded or insured or not, but these are usually state-wide laws and most states that I know of, don't break it up into "territories" concerning legal documentation, insurance and licensing.)

No, as Jay babbles on, we see that what really worries Leno is that Joe the Plumber might be some sort of pawn or plant in a huge scheme orchestrated by the Republicans to ummm... uhhh... ask Obama questions I guess. This makes no sense and the fiasco would have had to been set in motion by the Democrats if anything, for it was Obama himself who walked into Joe the Plumbers neighborhood, followed by a huge news crew and taking questions from those that lived in the community. So I guess several years prior to this, the McCain campaign, that didn't even exist yet, found a random plumber, who was late on his taxes and paid him to move into a certain neighborhood so that when McCain's future unknown opponent visited, he could ask him a couple of tough questions. Yeah, sounds perfectly reasonable.

To quote Billy Mays, "But Wait! Thats not all!" Leno goes onto say, "You know... worried about taxes? Does it seem real?" Well, speaking of out of touch, Mr. Leno apparently has lost sight of what it is like not to be famous and be affected by little things such as taxes and the government gaining an ever bigger hold on your wallet. Yeah, surely such concerns cannot be real and Joe the Plumber has to be a plant! Come on Jay, even you too were once affected by taxes, before you became this huge multi-millionaire with 500 motor vehicles. Perhaps this will help jog your memory:

Biden said some equally dumb things and admitted he doesn't have many of those plumbers in his neighborhood. Yeah, that isn't much of a surprise considering all the multi-million dollar mansions that you live around on "Main Street," Delaware there Joe. You probably would have to be making considerably more than that, with the purchase price of the home, land values and property taxes. Yet, I am sure there are plenty of "real" Fireman and Policeman in your neighborhood too, who you talk to every day about their concerns over a nice, warm danish. Check out Biden's "Main Street" right here. (His house is the one next to the lake, furthest to the south.)

Moreover, way to go after an American citizen there Biden, who just happened to make the mistake of asking Obama a question that provoked a response. Call me crazy, but perhaps, just perhaps, the focus should be on the actual response of the politician running for office, rather than on the citizen who asked it and isn't running for anything at all. Really, how patriotic is that Biden, since you seem to be so caught up on the subject recently? Is it considered patriotism to attack those that question the government, something that was actually encouraged by our forefathers? Is it patriotic to belittle those who are curious about a politicians policies while they live in the United States? Perhaps we differ on what a patriot is Mr. Biden, for I don't consider a patriot to be a leader who makes fun of citizen who is working, even though, according to you, may not have the proper paperwork or credentials, but at the same time still feels obligated to take that persons money to give it to non-citizens and people who have no job at all, or to "spread the wealth", as Obama so eloquently put it. I guess its my bad and you Mr. Biden sir, are really the true patriot after all.

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