To call this a hoax, I think, is to give these guys too much credit. It was a lie plain and simple. A hoax would entail some sort of long term plan, perhaps some faked scientific evidence and some in depth thought behind the deception. This lacked all those things. Any reasonable person would have known beforehand the amount of scrutiny that they would endure at the hands of the media and internet and would have not gone through with it, for logically, it could only end badly.
The thing that gets me is the so called innocence of Tom Biscardi. Though true the initial discovery was made by Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, I believe Biscardi certainly had a hand in it. Not only, is he a Vegas Promoter by profession, but he also admitted during the press conference that it was he who had to talk Whitton and Dyer into releasing a additional sasquatch photo to the press, showing a supposed walking Bigfoot in the area where the discovery was made. Also, this isn’t the first time Biscardi has got caught in a Bigfoot hoax. This includes a 2005 scam where another supposed bigfoot body was recovered. At that time he also set up a website with around the clock pay-per-view Bigfoot surveillance. When it came to light that it was all a lie, Biscardi claimed he was “hoodwinked” and didn’t bother giving anyone their money back. In the most recent occurrence he was charging 2 dollars to view photo’s of Bigfoot on his website
Now there is the possibility that the men may be charged with fraud. Certainly there has been other fallout. Matthew Whitton, who was a cop was fired over the incident and for good reason. I would have been outraged if he wasn’t. That’s all we need is another cop having a history of showing lapses in judgment and lying to be patrolling the streets. The other, Rick Dyer is a former corrections officer and I hope these guys never find work in the law enforcement field ever again. In fact, it might not hurt to go over these guys work history just to see if anything odd stands out.
As for Biscardi, how much money does someone have to take from the public using fraudulent claims before they get hung out to dry? Was it worth it guys? I wonder if they would do it all over again?
I don’t make a habit of speaking ill of the seriously injured, but the famous Fay Kiteboarder, had to have one of the biggest brain farts in history. I have nothing against extreme sports, but feel if they are done utilizing the effects of a tropical storm and trespass across the border of common sense into stupidity, than you deserve to be mentioned in the Darwin awards. At any rate, I do hope the man a full recovery, and perhaps you think I am being too harsh, but I bet the first thing even his family and friends asked him when he came to was, “what the hell were you thinking?” This is what I want to know as well.
I mean, lets look at the variables, shall we? We have a tropical storm spawning gusts of wind up to 60 miles an hour at the time, tornados and waterspouts(one account says that a waterspout formed at the time of this incident), torrential downpours, the inability to let go thanks to a harness, nearby buildings and an adjacent highway to the beach. Which, just happens to be “A1A Beachfront avenue!” On a little side note, I have had “Ice, Ice Baby” stuck in my head ever since I learned that little tidbit. I’m sure the man will be sitting on ice for some time to come. Damn, that’s clever. If anyone has actually found the man’s name, please let me know so I can include it in this blog post and appear more educated as I take complete credit for it. Thank you.
You would think that a world superpower such as Russia, would know what the rest of the civilized world does: that camera’s easily catch someone in a lie. This includes when your troops are supposed to be pulling out, but aren’t. You have to either be a egotistical moronic dictator or just completely off your rocker. Or both. Whatever the cause, and how stupid they may be acting, I am glad I am actually getting some information from American news organizations now instead of relying on the BBC or SKY news. As a new cold war sits at our doorstep and Russia threatening Georgia, the US, Poland, the Ukraine it may be nice to hear a little bit about it. Fox News has definitely done the best job in American news concerning what is going on, I must say. Though, it does concern me that Georgian forces opened fire on Fox News reporters, and I think our government should look into why exactly that happened.
Russia isn’t exactly innocent as they nearly killed a group of Turkish reporters covering the skirmish. I just want to know what it would have meant if any of these reporters were killed? Would anything have been done, and why isn’t anything now?
It appears its just up to the USA to stand up against Russia because Europe is too afraid, due to Russia supplying the vast majority of oil to the European nations. Perhaps another reason why WE should start to drill.
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