Monday, August 18, 2008

On The Bigfoot Press Conference

Although I was quite skeptical of the claims that a Bigfoot body had been discovered, I always still try to keep an open mind and, in fact, I found myself to be quite anxious about the press conference and what was promised to be revealed. Was this to be the day that the world found out about the true existence of Bigfoot? As it turned out; absolutely not and all that was exposed was a couple laminated pictures of a close up of the creatures mouth, with the teeth and tongue exposed, and another picture supposedly with the image of another bigfoot walking within the wooded area where the body was allegedly found. Not even the DNA evidence was presented though they, of course, promise it’s forthcoming. Right.

Here we see the mouth of Bigfoot, showing orthodontic work, daily brushing and flossing, utilizing a tongue scraper, mouthwash, and Crest Whitening Strips.

One would expect that there would be a whole onslaught of scientific evidence such as blood or body fluid work, X-Rays, CAT scans, samples of hair and tissue, a large number of analytical photographs, and the body itself. This was obviously not the case and I believe its not there because it simply doesn’t exist. Even the people involved are in question, especially Tom Biscardi, a Las Vegas promoter, who didn’t make the original discovery, but is representing the two who did, and is known amongst even in the cryptozoological field as a complete douchebag. Certainly this seems to be the case when examining his press conference demeanor and his history of perpetrating hoaxes and giving false information.

So, my skeptism seems to be well founded with the current data available, but what I find to be more unbelievable than the existence of Bigfoot himself, is that three people would all be so stupid as to engage the public with such a large hoax. In fact, the picture looks eerily similar to a quite lame Halloween costume (note the ridges around the eyes.).

Since there is absolutely no hope of the verification of their claims, all this really amounts to for them is the possibility that their jobs and reputations may be destroyed forever for the sake of a publicity stunt. Yes, people never cease to surprise me with their stupidity. I think this is another cryptid that we can expect to get kidnapped, like the Montauk monster. Now that I got that off my chest; back to scouring the web for pictures of Lisa Marie’s baby-bump. Thanks for reading.

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