Saturday, August 30, 2008

On Brandon's Letter to MSNBC

Just to share with you all I am kind of stuck between Obama and McCain at the moment and like to bounce between news channels to get the most coverage out of all sides of the political spectrum that I can. While watching MSNBC’s coverage of John McCain’s VP pick of Sarah Palin I saw a headline on the ticker underneath that read, “How many houses does Palin add to the Republican ticket?" This was so horribly bias and appauling to me that I decided to write a letter. Please understand I would have much rather been drinking or something, but I felt pretty passionately about it. I have posted the letter here to not only express my thoughts, but for your consideration. Is MSNBC going to read it? Doubt it, but I feel better.


First off, I would like to apologize to whosever job it is to read this e-mail. Please know that this e-mail is addressed to the channel and not to you personally. I don't know you, but I am sure your very nice so please bear with me. I was watching your news coverage today of McCain's VP pick of Sarah Palin and saw that under the breaking news headline, "How many houses does Palin add to the Republican ticket?" Now I am an on the fence voter, stuck firmly between Obama and McCain; probably till election day, when I will judge the two accordingly before I pull the lever. I was horribly disappointed that a "professional" news network would put something like that under breaking news. It was such a completely disgusting bias slam the likes of which I have never seen. In fact, I don't recall anything even remotely close to that. Indeed, within local, national, cable, international, CNN, FOX News, SKY, BBC, Headline News, Newspapers, Magazines and radio, I have never witnessed or heard of a display so unprofessional before in pop media.

Prior to this election I defended MSNBC against criticism for being too bias, but after this election coverage, no more. In debate or conversation from here on out I will supply ample evidence to why your channel, or any NBC affiliate should not be watched for the news, even on the local level. You may say I am just one insignificant guy and it really doesn't matter, well let me assure you that if I am thinking it, trust me, a lot of others are as well. I have tried to give NBC the benefit of the doubt because I like to hear all sides of the issues so that I may make an educated decision on my own, however your channels will be a source of "information" no longer because it is clear you don't represent both sides, and when you do you are so condescending you don't leave it up to your viewers to make their own decisions. Its shameless.

CNN and FOX will now be my sources for news. Even the shows I used to enjoy like Morning Joe I will not watch anymore because I cannot trust NBC to give good, fair, complete coverage. You owe your viewers, Palin, McCain and even the Obama campaign an apology because it even reflects on them; you obviously leaning democratic. If the Obama campaign acts as you do, which I have not perceived as of yet, but if they do, its a sure bet for McCain, but I don't think I will have to worry about that because even Obama, McCains true political rival, is 100 fold more civil than NBC is. Now I am a high school drop out, got my GED and work a low paying job, so when I see such blatant bias unprofessional news coverage, if you can call it news, you know it is truly pathetic and I can't believe this would slip by so many "educated" people and it would be supported. You have a responsibility if you call yourself a news channel to present the facts in a way that people can make up their own minds, but you fail and cease to do so willingly and that is disgusting. Yeah, go ahead and keep on attacking CNN and FOX News, but they are more professional than any NBC channel will ever be. How can I be so sure that every channel your affiliated with represents the news in such a way? I know because, not only have I seen certain shows on your network where this is clearly manifest, but also because of the Palin "headline," I cannot trust any information you provide and I will be sure to share that with anyone I have a discussion about news with.

Again I apologize to the reader of this e-mail and I truly hope YOU have a good day and I apologize for my rant. As for your bosses, they have lost a viewer for good unless they offer a station wide apology. You and me both know that is not going to happen.


Brandon J. Myhre

Seattle, Washington


  1. I am afraid it will get worse as the mainly left wing USA media and the BBC are in a frenzy and on an Obamarama stardust trail.
    Her acceptance speech was better than Hillary, Obama and Biden, and Sarah "Barracuda" Palin could be on the opposite ticket to Hillary in four years time.
    The Obama skeletons will come out of the cupboard when the Dems attack Palin and then we could be in meltdown

  2. I agree, it is going to get worse and get more polarized and encourage that in all forms of media, opinion and politics itself. Already we see that political differences are boarding on the line reminiscent of racial tension.
