Sunday, August 24, 2008

On Obama/Biden, Political Ads and Text Messaging

The hostage crisis is almost over. Halfway anyway. It appeared each candidate was trying to hold out as long as they could from choosing a running mate hoping the other would make the decision first, but finally someone has chosen their VP. Turns out it was Senator Obama who veered first in this political game of chicken, but I believe he only made the choice due to the rapidly approaching Democratic National Convention in Denver. Due to his choice, now it seems that he may have rushed it just a little bit. It is possible he was feeling under the gun, caught between his campaign and the DNC, and made a rash decision.

His choice, which was also announced over cell text messaging, was the Illinois Senator Joseph Biden, who till about three weeks ago spoke very favorably of McCain, yet did the exact opposite concerning Barack Obama. Odd. For that reason alone, I really am not so sure that it was the right choice for Obama to make, though when it comes down to it, time will tell. I get the feeling someone isn't being completely honest. I know, in politics that is hard to believe, but its just the way I feel. I find it interesting that Biden who was singing the praises of McCain after being friends with him so many years, quickly turns on his heel to attack him without really revealing any reasoning behind it. McCain's views have been rather consistent throughout his career and he has had the support and friendship of Biden through it all, except for now. So I am left wondering what it was that induced Biden to so suddenly have a change of heart? There seems to be no corresponding radical change in policy from McCain that initiated Biden's turn around. One would logically expect to see this, but it is lacking and the reason for it has yet to be revealed to the media.

For instance, when McCain decided to back the expansion of oil drilling. If following that Biden came out against McCain and started to back Obama; that would make sense. This is not the case so what could be the reasoning behind Biden's decision and his attacks on McCain? Had a falling out? No, doesn't appear so with McCain calling Biden and congratulating him. A change in Biden's ideals? That may have something to do with it, but from what I understand Biden hasn't had any radical changes in his policies either. So that doesn't hold water. What I am left with is that this guy just got power hungry, possibly feeding off Obama like a hungry lamprey. If both are dishonest it doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility that they could compliment each other completely in this regard. These are just my first impressions though and more could come to light within the coming weeks, which may discredit the statements I have made. Also, there is the distinct possibility it could be just a completely aesthetic choice; Obama/Biden sounding much better than any of the alternatives.

McCain was obviously prepared for, I believe, anyone who got picked. His release of an ad a few hours after the announcement, leads me to think he made attack ads on every possible VP pick, and the ad was just sitting there, much like the Big Mac's that rest under the heat lamp at McDonalds. Preapproved of course. You know, for once I would like to see the ads that the candidates do not endorse, but rather reject. Those might be quite a bit more interesting. Probably fraught full of the images that they are trying to portray, like McCain sitting in a old folks home, throwing his feces and grabbing the asses of the orderlies, or maybe Obama in Baghdad in the middle of a harem, bowing to Mecca and sending young impressionable teens off with bombs strapped to their chests. I wouldn't be too surprised, for the political attack ads just keep getting shallower and shallower. Before we know it they will both be resorting to attacking each other on who it is that likes Coke and who enjoys a tall frosty Pepsi. People, can't we all just get along?

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