Barack Obama is one of the most powerful political speakers in history as far as I am concerned, and he really seems to be a nice guy when watching him in interviews, give speeches and interact with the public. He has this awesome charismatic energy that I feel we need in a president, yet I find myself still hesitant. Why? Obama seems to dance around questions way to much for my liking, concerning his past, what he feels in the present and his plans for the future. I am not the only one to think these things, and when Obama is pressed by media to answer such questions, he never does. Rather, he seems to dance around them, albeit skillfully, and usually resorts to attacking the person asking them, or his political rivals. For me these questions are an important issue, and I want to know what the candidate believes and why.
Now, an admitted right-wing author has come out with a book entitled “The Obama Nation” addressing some of these questions. and the book supposedly supplies many of the answers that Obama seems unwilling to and address. Furthermore, the book makes a case, or attempts to, that Barak should not be president. In the spirit of full disclosure, I have not read the book, but I have read Obama’s and others responses to it, and it seems we may be getting the same old political run around. Slight-of-hand and misdirection. What I want to hear from Obama is a solid rebuttal, including cited evidence that one may use to be able to make a more informed decision in November, and what Obama needs to do to convince me and others to vote for him is just be clear on who he is. At least I know a lot about McCain, but I don’t feel like I know anything about Obama because though he refutes any negative attack, but does not answer them, never offering up facts to the contrary. Despite his statements that tend to begin with, “I have consistently stated," he frequently seems to contradict himself on key issues.
I guess the main impression I have been getting from him recently, which is making me step back and take a harder look at the Obama campaign, is that he seems put on a persona and share a message that is exactly parallel to those whom he is speaking to, and the message and persona change once the audience does. However, those that bring up these questions to him are met with a condescending attitude, which is a shame. Obama needs to quit tap dancing around issues, which I admit he does rather skillfully, and be honest with the media and the people, which I feel is an area he is lacking.
Again, with Jerome Corsi's book, “The Obama Nation,” we aren’t seeing a rebuttal of the issues brought forth, but rather arguments that use misdirection to distract from the issues mentioned within the books text. More than a couple responses don’t address the claims the book makes, but instead attacks the books author. The quote, “The author is a fringe bigot pedaling rehashed lies,” doesn't do anything to refute what the book says, but attempts to distract from the book citing the authors past and the fact that he is citing arguments that are frequently brought up, which for some reason means to the Obama camp that it doesn't warrant a response. What? I feel when a concern is brought up frequently it doesn’t mean the issue doesn’t have any merit, as this quote seems to suggest. Quite the opposite. In fact, such concerns should be dealt with more vigorously rather than ignored, which the Obama camp seems to be doing.
The book also claims that he was raised a Muslim, and attended a radical, black church, secretly having a "black rage" hidden beneath the surface. Obama’s supporters answer by saying Obama is a Christian who attended Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago and that the statements are false. We all know who led the Trinity United Church of Christ and that was the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. So in my mind this argument really doesn’t make any sense and is rather complimentary to some of the arguments.
Anything else? Yes. According to Obama’s Spokesman. Tommy Vietor, “Jerome Corsi is a discredited liar who is pedaling another piece of garbage to continue the Bush-Cheney politics he helped perpetuate four years ago. His is just one of what will likely be many more lie-filled books rushed to print this election cycle, which are cobbled together from debunked Internet sources to make money and advance a partisan agenda. We will respond to these smears forcefully with all means at our disposal." Ok, now even if Corsi is scum of the earth, and I certainly haven’t liked some of the things he has said in the past, it still doesn’t answer Corsi’s charges against Obama. More misdirection.
Another charge is that Obama was raised within the Islam faith, which is the biggest religion in Indonesia where he spent some of his childhood, and the Obama camp responds that Obama is Christian and the Koran was learned in accordance with the curriculum of some of the public and catholic schools he attended. Seems a little enigmatic, for both religions may be pacified by the statement. However, I think Obama’s answer becomes negated when he himself says things like “the semon on the mount is radical.” What it really boils down to is, “Yeah, I am a Christian, except for all those points Christ makes, other then that...” That doesn’t make any sense whatsoever, so I wind up with no evidence contradictory to the fact that Obama isn’t putting on the guise of religion to gain votes. I would like to believe that’s not true because if it is, it so low down and dirty, that such a person should not have any seat in politics at all. I mean, I could call myself the burger king all I want, but it don’t make it so.
The last issue is Corsi’s charge that Obama would weaken the military. Obama supporters point out that Obama wants to add 65,000 soldiers and 27,000 Marines. Now when reading their answer we need to take a couple things into account. One, the move to add 65,000 soldiers and 27,000 marines isn’t his plan. Its already in motion, so he really isn’t doing anything at all, just standing alongside a decision that’s already occurring. So, now the question becomes what will happen to our military when the decision is his to make. According to Obama, he would “slow our development of future combat systems”, which to me sounds like it would weaken our military unless other countries stop their military development as well, which I doubt is going to be the case.
The press is even attacking Corsi in a very superficial way that is embarrassing to all journalism, saying he works for a news organization that ran the headline, “Astonishing photo claims: Dead Bigfoot stored on ice." So what? A lot of people have been writing on the Bigfoot story, including my blog…yeah! So that’s a non issue; I think anyway. Right? Is it bad I wrote a blog article on Bigfoot? Crap.
Anyway, Obama is a great dynamic speaker. Definitely one of the best in history, however there are plenty of con-men in prison throughout the world that were good speakers too and got what they wanted out of people by telling them what they wanted to hear. I’m not saying that Obama is a con man, I am merely pointing out that just because someone sounds good, doesn’t mean they will make a good president. What I want to know is who he is and where he stands on the issues. That information seems so all over the place that I have no idea who Obama is and I would really like to get some clarification on that.
It may seem unfair that I tend to bring up Obama more in this blog than McCain, but that’s only because I have more questions about Obama than McCain. I know who McCain is, what he stands for, and what he wants to accomplish if he gains the presidency. He is pretty candid about it, even when he gets asked a question he doesn’t know, or hasn’t studied, he says- “I haven’t looked into it enough.” Yes, probably not what a person wants to hear from a potential commander in chief, however it is honest. (The issue addressed, by the way, was from Planned Parenthood who wanted to know if McCain would allow birth control to be covered by Medicare like Viagra.)
I guarantee people are starting to feel the same way I am, because it shows in the polls and if I am thinking this way, being not the brightest person, how many more people are wondering about Obama’s stance on the issues? I would say he needs to quit blaming the media and McCain and just come out with it. Flat. Simple. Concrete. With no misdirection concerning what an ass the reporter may or may not be, or what his competition is doing, but focus and answer on what his core values are. Go on Fox News, don’t be afraid of tough questions, give Katie Couric strait answers and your polls may go up.(I was talking to him there because I am positive, in my mind, that he is reading.)
Oh!!! Obama nation. Abomination. I get it. That’s real cute…
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