Is Global Warming Racist?
I am posting this, not because I think racism isn't a factor in social issues, but rather just to point out that this term seems to be being thrown about quite randomly recently. Now, I believe racism to exist most certainly, unfortunately, however when it is applied to subjects that it can not have any logical bearing on, it bears the question of why its even being theorized in the first place and more importantly, its implications on the racism that is a blot upon our nation, and the efforts to defeat it. The comments appear in a report by J. Andrew Hoerner and Nia Robinson that came out last month. The report is entitled A Climate of Change: African Americans, Global Warming, and a Just Climate Policy for the U.S. The report contains gems such as these:
"Racism, both institutionalized and individual, is a driver of sprawl, inefficient housing, and irrational transportation policy."
I won't say its not a factor, but we must remember that other factors play a role as well, such as personal productivity and opportunity for one may be the principle causes of people leaving heavily populated urban area's. This includes black people.
"Racism causes bad climate policy, the two problems can not be solved separately, but only together."
The implication that global climate issues wouldn't exist if it weren't for slavery, to me makes no sense. I think technology is a much bigger factor, for technology seems to be directly corollary and complementary to the output of pollution.
"Because of the United States’ historic legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, and institutional racism, African American families and communities are highly vulnerable to the whole range of problems caused by global warming including the potential for climate change policy that continues and extends this legacy."
Everyone is highly vulnerable to the range of problems caused by global warming. Global warming does not have the ability to pick and choose whom it effects. If this were the case it would cease to be called "global". We must also factor in a regions innate climate, that can contribute to what kind of effects global warming has on its populace.
"Institutional racism is a system under which white people—whether consciously or not—exercise power and privilege at the expense of people of color."
Consciously or not? So, whether you want to be or not, nor if you think you are or aren't, it really doesn't matter? If your just white; your racist? If this is the case, why address the issue at all, if apparently it cannot be changed? I one hundred percent disagree with this point. I don't think there is anything unconscious to racism. Racism can only be classified by observance of ones words and actions that another party deems to be racist in nature. Furthermore, these words and actions come directly from thought so we can clearly see that racism is clearly a conscious state of mind. Yes, a depraved state of mind, true, but a state of mind nonetheless.
"Urgent action is necessary to prevent dangerous climate change, and, because institutional racism imposes major barriers to a rational energy policy, global warming will not be solved without addressing these racial barriers directly. Institutionalized racism in the U.S. is an overarching institution of power that acts as a force for inertia, blocking progress on climate and many other urgent priorities. A joint attack on racism and climate change is therefore more likely to be effective than either effort pursued in isolation."
Well, according to their paper they can't be solved anyway due to the unconscious nature of racism. In addition, nor could they be held responsible for anything considered racist, for because its unconscious its beyond their control. No, what truly has a hand in blocking progress on climate, far surpassing racism, is lack of technology, or at least a lack of technology available to the public sector, greed and pride.
The purpose here is not to argue against the existence of "institutionalized racism," for I'm positive it does exist in some degree, rather what I am arguing against is the implication that global warming is some kind of conspiracy, a global phenomenon that effects everyone, including, but not limited to all flora, fauna, races, continents and oceans. All specifically designed and implicated for the specialized purpose of bringing down the black man? To me, despite the existence of racism, this makes no logical sense. In fact, I'm concerned that flawed charges of racism, such as the one below, could be counterproductive to the righteous cause of defeating it.
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