Friday, August 8, 2008

On The Need For A New Environmental Spokesman

Smokey The Bear is getting complaints on his newest commercial, where he wrongly tells several ATV riders to leave the forest. He states that their vehicles can start forest fires, which is unfair according to several ATV enthusiasts and in the commercial they apologize, pack up and leave. that would happen. I tried to stop a group of ATV riding thugs a year ago from playing a rousing game of Kitten Polo and it wasn't until recently that I came out of the coma. The vehicles themselves, the ATV loving group points out in a letter to the commercials producers, don't start random fires when being rode and they considered the add misleading. Besides that, Smokey, it appears, doesn't practice what he preaches. I offer the photo below as evidence of this.


So, now the add is under review, and we really need some more environmental spokesmen out there, roaming the populace and the great outdoors, searching for those who may not be treating mother nature as she deserves.

Otherwise, I'm afraid we are all just stuck with these idiots who propel themselves up and down various tall objects, such as bridges and buildings, to hang homemade banners, which always look like their children produced most of. I mean, at least make them interesting and not such an eyesore people! Come on! Especially since your obviously going to get arrested by the Police waiting patiently below! Take some pride in it. Just because your an environmentalist doesn't mean you can't splurge on some high-quality markers right? Right. Well, just in the nick of time someone has come to the forefront of the environmentalist movement in Smokey's absence to save us from the poster bearing skyscraper scalers. Thank goodness for the Green Team. Whew. Go Green Team!
See more Will Ferrell videos at Funny or Die

In case anyone was wondering; I believe that protecting the environment is a worthy and noble cause.

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