Friday, August 29, 2008

On David Duchovny: I Want To Behave

Well, it appears poor Mr. David Duchovny, Aka Fox Mulder, Aka Hank Moody, has admitted himself into treatment for a sex addiction and he isn't the first star to do so. No, its a path already well worn by Michael Douglas, so as Douglas we can expect David Duchovny to make plenty of mediocre thrillers for years come. Is it really any wonder though that David, of which I have to say I am a fan in case David ever reads this, is a sex addict? Look at the roles he has played in the past such as Jake Winters in Red Shoe Diaries, or Fox Mulder who was hinted at to have a porn addiction, and finally Hank Moody in "Californication."

This is obviously an example of life imitating art, but I can't help thinking that if I was married to Tea Leoni I would have a sex addiction too. Sorry, that was bad, but you had to see it coming. Anyhoo, I suspect David was caught indulging in infidelity and to save his marriage went into sex addiction rehab. I mean in the mad way of course... They are currently asking the media for privacy, but yeah, like their going to get that from the media. Not a chance. If I was David, and I so wish I was, to save himself some embarrassment I would have said I was doing research for an upcoming epsiode of "Californication." I had no idea there was a sex addict rehab, but I guess it makes sense. Its not any weirder than the video game rehab located in the Netherlands.

Sex addiction hasn't been recognized officially by mental health experts, but "nymphomania" still has a classification and is treated much like other addictions or mental disorders. The problem experts are having is to what degree ones sex drive has to reach to be considered a medical disorder. Within treatment, there are group meetings, the fully clothed kind, and medication is even supplied at times. I wonder if they have a kind that when you touch yourself you vomit? If not the idea is genius thank you very much and something I could defiantly utilize within my own life. Anti-depressants are the most common subscribed medication though due to their tendency to decrease ones sex drive.

Like I said earlier though, I am a fan of David Duchovny and despite my joking wish him the best and ask that if he has any extra booty lying around to send it my direction. My addictive personality would be greatful. Thank you for reading, but before I sign off I will leave you with a clip that seems to be very prophetic. Enjoy! (not too much)

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